Erik Mitisek

Erik Mitisek is the Founder and President of Highwing focused on delivering digital solutions to improve insurance carrier and broker relationships. Erik is a seasoned business builder and innovator, having either served as the founder, CEO, or working directly for founders, building five companies from inception. Erik has led the development of the business, with a focus on product and growth, in almost all his companies working to connect market opportunities to new products and industries. Always following the trends in the market, he has created companies in the music, real estate, financial services and online travel industries. Insurance is next. Erik’s passion outside of business is the innovation community nationally. Erik previously led University of Denver’s Project XITE, which is a leading innovation program in the region. He founded Denver Startup Week, the largest free entrepreneurial event in North America; created the Commons on Champa, an incubator for emerging start-ups and Denver’s hub for entrepreneurship; and led the launch of Startup Colorado and BuiltInColorado. In 2016, Erik was appointed Chief Innovation Officer of the State of Colorado by Governor John W. Hickenlooper, a role he held through January 2019. Outside of Highwing, Erik serves on numerous boards in the community.

team of people around a table working together with a computer screen and post it notes

4 min read

Fostering Collaboration Across Departments

During the Vietnam War, a joint mission between the US Navy's SEALs and the Army's Special Forces, code-named "Operation Ivory Coast," targeted a vital North Vietnamese supply route. With their expertise in amphibious operations, the SEALs...

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Two laptops open on a conference room table with a mans hand holding a pen writing on a stack of reports

4 min read

The Real Reason Your Brokerage NEEDS to Modernize

Steve firmly believed their brokerage’s 5-figure investment in the latest software program, now with AI integration, would lead them well past the...

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A group sits around a table with laptops open as someone points to post it notes on a whiteboard.

5 min read

The Balancing Act: Tradition Meets Transformation

For generations, the commercial insurance industry has thrived on a foundation of trust, expertise, and personalized service. Brokers have built...

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man in glass office speaking with his hands up as if explaining something with a red filter over the image

4 min read

Change Management: Tools to be Fast and Effective

Tumultuous, profound, seismic – pick any one of these words and you will accurately describe today's commercial insurance landscape.

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Image of a cartoon head and brain with the text

4 min read

Leveraging AI in Commercial Insurance

Once known for its paper trails and meticulous record-keeping, the insurance industry is experiencing a digital makeover more dramatic than a...

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Hand drawn designs of a prototype for some sort of UI/UX product

4 min read

Digitize Faster with Less Risk: MVPs in Insurance

The heat is on! As businesses demand faster, more efficient, personalized insurance solutions, brokers face increasing pressure to adapt and...

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3 min read

Using OKRs for Your Digital Transformation

The insurance industry has entered the world of digital transformation. It may have taken longer to get to this point, but now that it has begun,...

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4 min read

Prioritizing Digitization Initiatives

The insurance broker is facing a day of digital reckoning. Paper tigers stalk cubicles, manual processes drain energy, and the insatiable roar of the...

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4 min read

The Shiny Object Trap for Insurance Brokers

For busy insurance brokers, the world of software as a service (SaaS) can feel like walking among performers at a circus. And the circus is growing...

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3 min read

Designing Your Data Strategy for 2024

“The best way to predict the future is to create it.” – Peter Drucker

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