Trends, tips, and tricks to help you navigate the insurtech revolution and deepen your relationships.

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3 min read

Context is King: How to Turn Data Into Value

To borrow a quote from essayist Michael Ventura, “without context, a piece of information is just a dot.” It isn’t until we connect the dots with...

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3 min read

5 Key Commercial Lines Themes from ITC 2021

After a year of remote conferences, it could not have been more exciting for the Highwing team to pack our bags and head out to Las Vegas for...

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4 min read

Digital Transformation Has No Finish Line

I’ve noticed that, whenever the topic of disruption comes up, the same few examples are used. Publications, books, boardrooms, and the classrooms of...

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4 min read

How to Prepare your Brokerage for Digital Transformation

Perhaps my favorite thing about working in insurtech is the people I get to work with. As a broker, I don't need to explain it to you; every day we...

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3 min read

Accountability is Critical for Insurance Brokers to Innovate

Radical transparency. Innovation is hard enough as is, so a lack of clear expectations and communication makes it near impossible. In many...

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4 min read

Igniting Innovation: Why Mindset is the Key

Think about the most innovative companies in the world. Names like Apple, Amazon, and Tesla likely come to mind. And you wouldn’t be wrong. These...

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4 min read

Why Insurance Must Make Innovation a Business Function

Innovation and insurance may finally have their moment together. That is, of course, if the industry not only embraces technology, but proactively...

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4 min read

The Surprising Truth About Open Data

Here at Highwing, we talk a lot about how insurtech aims to remove the mundane, inefficient tasks from brokerage so you can focus more on building...

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3 min read

7 Things Every Insurance Leader Needs to Know About Low Code

Tell me if this sounds familiar… you read a report or blog post about a new technology trend that will fundamentally change the industry without...

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3 min read

5 Steps to Build a Culture of Data Ownership

As a leading commercial insurance broker, I would venture to guess that you have been thinking about your company’s data governance strategy and...

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